Monday, May 13, 2013

Sequoia National Park, Day Two

Hi Everyone:

Another great day in Sequoia. We took off from the trail in the Giant Forest and got to see some wild life. The close encounter with a large bear was a little scary. Fortunately the bear wanted to get away from us almost as much as we from the bear. We also saw a deer and a couple of creatures that looked something like a cross between a beaver and a badger.

The pictures I am taking really do not come close to the beauty of the actual views in this Park. The fragrance of the air, the chill in the air & the sounds all around you just make you feel like never wanting to leave here.

These pictures are from yesterday. We returned to the coach late last night after a really good Mothers Day dinner at a nice restaurant just outside the Park in Three Rivers. Today was a sleep in day. Barb & I both needed a chill out day today. It felt good to sleep late.

Lou & Barb

The "General Sherman" Tree, Largest Tree on Earth

The "General Sherman", Not the Tallest or the Widest but by volume, 52,500 cu. ft., 1,385 Tons, 275 ft Tall, 103 ft Circumference, Base 35.5 ft Diameter, at 180 ft up 13.7 ft Diameter, Largest Branch 6.8 ft Diameter, 2,200 Years old. Still Growing, Each year it adds enough wood to make a 60 ft tall Tree Measuring one Ft in Diameter.

The Four Trees Between The Fence & Roots of the Fallen Giant Have Grown Since it Has Fallen

Thinking About Joining the Junior Rangers

Barb was Taking This Picture when the Bear Appeared

After we Parted ways with the Bear we Observed Him Through the Foliage

Giant Tree Growing on to Bolder

Beaver / Badger Marsh Creature

"Ed BY Ned" Giant Trees Grew Together

"Ed By Ned" Trees Footprint

Historic Sign Created by Civilian Conservation Corps Enrollee in the 1930's

Kaweah River

Pumpkin Hollow Bridge, Constructed in 1922 Over Kaweah River

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