Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Colors and Canyons of Death Valley

Hi Everyone:

Most of these pictures were taken on our second day in Death Valley. The first day was overcast and somewhat muted the brilliant colors. On the second day the sun came out after a rare morning thunder storm. After the sun came out, so did the brilliant colors.

Lou & Barb

Rare Thunder Storm over Death Valley

From Our Vantage Point at "Dantes View" Elevation 5,475 ft. You can see the Lowest Elevation "Badwater Basin" -282 ft Below Sea Level (finger of sand lower right of center of picture) & Highest Elevation "Telescope Peak" 11,049 ft above Sea Level (upper left of center partially obscured by clouds)

Wildflower at Dantes View

Salt Creek Spring, a wash that flows year round is home to one of natures anomalies. one inch pupfish left over from the ice age. As the water in the area became scarcer and more salty over the centuries, the pupfish survived by gradually adapting to their changing habitat.

Salt Creek Spring, pupfish habitat

Diamond Back Rattlesnake hanging out near the trail

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