Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Red Canyon, Utah

Hi Everyone:

On the Day Barb & I arrived in the Brice Canyon / Zion area, we had to drive through Red Canyon in Da Coach to get to the RV Park. This consisted of driving through two rock tunnels that I did not anticipate. Upon approaching the tunnels I saw that the clearance was 13 ft 6 in. Since Da Coach max. height is 13 ft. I knew we would clear the tunnels. What amazed me was the beauty of Red Canyon. At that time we knew would have to spend some time here.

Red Canyon is part of the Dixie National forest. Barb & I planned to visit Zion National Park for two days. Since we had to pass back through Red Canyon on our way to Zion, we decided to stop at Red Canyon in the morning on the first day of our visit to Zion. We enjoyed exploring the trails so much we just had to visit there again on the way to our second day's visit to Zion. This post is pictures from both days at Red Canyon. Since Red Canyon is such a beautiful location I decided to have a separate post for it.

The rocks of Red Canyon is composed largely of limestone from sediments of a lake 35 to 50 million years ago. The pink, orange & red tones are oxidized iron in the limestone. The darker red is a higher concentration of iron.

Lou & Barb

Red Canyon Tunnels. Constructed in 1925, They Provided a Route to Access Bryce Canyon by Automobile. This First Group of Pictures is our From Our First day at Red Canyon. We Hiked The Photo Trail & Part of Birdseye Trail.

This Picture Taken From Between the Two Large Rocks in the Above Picture

This Group of pictures is From our Second Day at Red Canyon. We Hiked The Hoodoo Trail & Part of Pink Ledges Trail.

1 comment:

  1. Thank You for posting the tunnel heights, great pictures.
